Vladimir A. Mošin et Seid M. TraljiĆ
work in progress


Nº mosin
Motif (German) Fauna - Vierfüßer - Ochse - ganze Figur - frei, ohne Beizeichen - steigend/aufrecht - Kopf im Profil - Schwanz zweikonturig
Place of UseAvignon
date of use1340
Briquet Inédit*22282
Mosin-Traljic page 080
Place of UseParis
date of use1348
Briquet Inédit*14399
Place of UseGrenoble
date of use1347
Briquet Inédit*2941
Place of UseGrenoble
date of use1349
Briquet Inédit*2944
Place of UseMontpellier
date of use1346
Briquet 9519 (image)
Briquet Briquet-9519 (Briquet-Online)
Place of UseMarseille
date of use1344
Briquet Inédit*4115
Place of UseBologna
date of use1351
Briquet Inédit*7194
Place of UseBénévent
date of use1345
Briquet Inédit*6972
Place of UseLucca
date of use1348
Place of UseMontpellier
date of use1323
Briquet Inédit*9641

* BI -Briquet Inédit: These are references to the unpublished tracings by Briquet held in the Briquet archive at the Bibliothèque de Genève (classified as a sequence of five boxes: Papiers Briquet 78-82), of which a certain number have been put on line also in the Gravell Watermark Project. Both with the images taken from Briquet's published work (B) and the unpublished images (BI), Mošin-Traljić retraced the original drawings with small inevitable distortions. In particular, they seem not to have understood the numbers found in the tracings, which they cite as though they formed part of a meaningful sequence, as in the published work, whereas these figures refer instead to the classification of the documents encountered by Briquet in his many journeys and can only be interpreted by reference to his travel diaries, which also form part of the Geneva archive. (Ilaria Pastrolin)



Academie Yougoslave des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts, Zagreb


Vladimir A. Mošin et Seid M. Traljić - Filigranes des XIIIe et XIVe SS., Zagreb 1957 (PDF-32Mb).


work in progress!!!!!
Données: Interface web: Emanuel Wenger (Vienne, Académie des Sciences d'Autriche) — Design: Vlad Atanasiu (Université de Fribourg, Suisse)

Une resource du Projet Bernstein pour les filigranes et l'expertise des papiers

Mai 2020