LIKHACHEV (Николай Петрович Лихачёв, 1862-1936)
Reference number: 3948
Watermark description: coat of arms
Height: 79
Width: 53
Source: Letter

Place of use: Disna
Date: 1581
Year: 1581

Briquet reference: 15485
Page: 291
Палеографическое значение бумажных водяных знаков. Ч. 1—3. СПб., 1899 (Paleographic significance of paper watermarks. S.Petersburg, 1899). Vol. I-III.
Likhachev's watermarks, ed. J.S.G.Simmons, B van Ginneken-van de Kasteele (Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae Historiam Illustrantia XV). Amsterdam 1994.