RISM Working Group Munich - Bayerische StaatsBiliothek   | |||
RISM-OPAC Nummer: Mbs 198 Documented datings: Place od use: Depository: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-Mbs) Watermark: IGS [around a] 4 [inverted, with an anchor] Paper maker: Activity time: ca. 1785-1815 Paper mill: Johann Georg Schmidt, Landshuter Papiermühle Paper mill location: Landshut Literature: HößleB 1924, Heft 29, p. 332 Shelfmarks: 85 Remarks: [= KBM 6 Rtt 2[, [= KBM 2 246] | No images available! |
The web presentation was implemented by Emanuel Wenger (Vienna, ÖAW).