RISM Working Group Munich - Bayerische StaatsBiliothek    

Nummer: Mbs 6
Documented datings:
Place od use:
Depository: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-Mbs)
Watermark: FXH [countermark: 3 crescents with facial profile]
Paper maker:
Activity time: 1808-1842
Paper mill: Franz Xaver Heiligensetzer sen. Papiermühle I
Paper mill location: Au bei Kempten
Literature: HößleB 1926, Festheft p.64; HößleK, p.20, 27f.
Shelfmarks: 101, 112, 298, 357, 363, 406, 461, 462, 466, 489, 490, 840, 843, 844, 845, 2875, 131

The web presentation was implemented by Emanuel Wenger (Vienna, ÖAW).