RISM Working Group Munich - Bayerische StaatsBiliothek    

Nummer: Mbs 97
Documented datings: 1747 (Mus.ms. 1317), 1770 (Mus.ms. 330, 445), 1765 (Mus.ms. 449, 450)
Place od use:
Depository: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-Mbs)
Watermark: ISH [countermark: coat of arms, crowned, with savage man inside]
Paper maker:
Activity time: 1709-ca. 1759 (KBM 2: 1730)
Paper mill: Johann Sigmund Hofmann, Papiermühle Lengfelden-Unterplain
Paper mill location: Lengfelden bei Salzburg
Literature: HößleB 1930, Festheft, p. 70f., HößleS 1915, Nr. 13, p. 311
Shelfmarks: 280-12, 282-11, 330, 449, 450, 455, 1281, 1295, 1310, 1311, 1313, 1315, 1317, 1320, 1322, 1325, 8474?, 8460
Remarks: [= MH 7], vgl. KBM 2 172, HößleB FH 1930 Abb. 24

The web presentation was implemented by Emanuel Wenger (Vienna, ÖAW).