RISM Working Group Munich - Bayerische StaatsBiliothek    

Nummer: NUEtb 20
Documented datings:
Place od use:
Depository: Turmbibliothek Nürtingen
Watermark: IGB [above: eagle (double-headed) with sword and sceptre, corpus: heart-shaped; without countermark]
Paper maker:
Activity time: J.G. Bauer: 1744-1780
Paper mill: Johann Georg Beringer in Kempten??? oder Johann Georg Friedrich Bullinger in Anhausen??? Oder: Johann Georg Bauer, Niefern
Paper mill location:
Literature: Sporhan-Krempel/Piccard: Die Papiermühle zu Niefern, p.21f.
Shelfmarks: 80 (T=Direktionsstimme, vlne), 280

The web presentation was implemented by Emanuel Wenger (Vienna, ÖAW).