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Gravell Watermark Archive
List of Repositories |
This listing of Repositories is greatly indebted to Allan Stevenson's "List of Archives Visited or Referred to by Briquet" (1968, pp. *87-93), but in many instances locations and names have been updated.
Abbaye de Saint-Maurice Monastère | Saint-Maurice , Switzerland | |
Archiv Bürgerbewegung Leipzig | Leipzig, Germany | |
Archiv der Hansestadt Lübeck | Lübeck, Germany | |
Archiv der Stadt Brünn | Brno, Czech Republic | |
Archiv des historischen Vereins, Kärntner Landesarchiv | Klagenfurt, Austria | |
Archives cantonales vaudoises | CH-1022 Chavannes-près-Renens, Switzerland | |
Archives Capitulaires de Valère | 1950 Sion, Switzerland | |
Archives Département les Gironde | Bordeaux, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Ain | Bourg-en-Bresse, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Charente | Angoulême, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Marne | Châlons-en-Champagne, France | |
Archives Départementales des Ardennes | Charleville-Mézières, France | |
Archives Départementales des Aredennes | Charleville-Mézières, France | |
Archives Départementales des Vosges | Epinal, France | |
Archives Départementales (Épinal) | Épinal, France | |
Archives Départementales d’Ille-et-Vilaine | Rennes, France | |
Archives départementales d’Ille-et-Vilaine | Rennes, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’ Eure | Evreux, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Ariège | Foix, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Aube | Troyes, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Aveyron | Rodez, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Hérault | Montpellier, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Isère | Grenoble, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Oise | Beavais, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Orne | Alençon, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Orne | Alençon, France | |
Archives Départementales de l’Yonne | Auxerre, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Corrèze | Tulle, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Dordogne | Perigeaux, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Drômes | Valence, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Haute-Loire | Le Puy-en-Velay, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Haute-Sâone | Vesoul, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Haute-Vienne | Limoges, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Loire | Saint-Etienne, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Manche | Saint-Lô, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Meuse | Bar-le-Duc, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Nièvre | Decizes, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Pyrénées-Atlantiques | Pau, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Sarthe | Le Mans, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Seine-Maritime | Rouen, France | |
Archives Départementales de la Vienne | Poitiers, France | |
Archives Départementales de Meurthes-et-Moselle | Nancy, France | |
Archives Départementales de Tarn et Garonne | Montauban, France | |
Archives Départementales de Vaucluse | Avignon, France | |
Archives Départementales des Bouches-du-Rhône | Marseille, France | |
Archives Départementales du Calvados | Caen, France | |
Archives Départementales du Cher | Bourges, France | |
Archives Départementales du Finistère | Quimper, France | |
Archives Départementales du Gers | Auch, France | |
Archives Départementales du Haut-Rhin | Colmar (Haut-Rhin), France | |
Archives Départementales du Jura | Montmorot, France | |
Archives Départementales du Nord | Lille, France | |
Archives Départementales du Pas-de-Calais | Dainville, France | |
Archives Départementales du Puy-de-Dôme | Clermont-Ferrand, France | |
Archives Départementales du Rhône | Lyon, France | |
Archives Départementales du Rhône | Lyon, France | |
Archives Départementales Eure-et-Loir | Chartres, France | |
Archives Départementales Haute-Garonne | Toulouse, France | |
Archives Départementales Haute-Marne | Chaumont, France | |
Archives Départementales Loir-et-Cher | Blois, France | |
Archives Départementales Lot-et-Garonne | Agen, France | |
Archives Départementales Maine-et-Loire | Angers, France | |
Archives Départementales Pyrénées-Orientales | Perpignan, France | |
Archives Départementales Saône-et-Loire | Macon, France | |
Archives de l’État à Namur | Namur, Belgium | |
Archives de l’État (Fribourg) | Fribourg, Switzerland | |
Archives de l’État (Geneva) | Geneva, Switzerland | |
Archives de l’État (Vouvry) | Sion (Valais), Switzerland | |
Archives de la Ville | Evian-les-Bains (Haute-Savoie), France | |
Archives de la Ville de Marseille | Marseille, France | |
Archives du Loiret; Centre des archives historiques et généalogiques | Orléans, France | |
Archives Générales du Royaume | Brussels, Belgium | |
Archives Loire-Inférieure (renamed ‘Loire-Atlantique’) | Nantes, France | |
Archives Municipale Aigueperse | Aigueperse, France | |
Archives Municipales (Besançon) | Besançon, France | |
Archives Municipales (Metz) | Metz, France | |
Archives Municipales (Montpellier) | Montpellier, France | |
Archives Municipales de Dijon | Dijon, France | |
Archives municipales de Lyon | Lyon, France | |
Archives Municipales de Marseille | Marseilles, France | |
Archives Municipales de Montpellier | 34000 Montpellier, France | |
Archives Municipales de Toulouse | Toulouse, France | |
Archives municipales Nantes | Nantes, France | |
Archives Nationales (Paris) | Paris 03, France | |
Archivio di Stato (Catano) | Catano, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Florence) | Florence, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Genoa) | Genoa, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Lucca) | Lucca, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Milan) | Milan, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Modena) | Modena, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Naples) | Naples, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Palermo) | Palermo, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Parma) | Parma, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Pisa) | Pisa, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Salerno) | Salerno, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Syracuse) | Syracuse, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato (Venice) | Venice, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato Agrigento | Agrigento, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Bologna | Bologna, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Brescia | Brescia, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Mantova | Mantova (Mantua), Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Pistoia | Pistoia, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Reggio Emilia | Reggio Emilia, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Roma | Rome, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Siena | Siena, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Torino | Torino, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Udine | Udine, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Verona | Verona, Italy | |
Archivio di Stato di Vicenza | Vicenza, Italy | |
Archivio generale del Comune di Padova | Padova, Italy | |
Archivio notarile, Achivio di Stato di Bergamo | Bergamo, Italy | |
Archivio Pisa Duomo(?) | Pisa, Italy | |
Archivio Segreto Vaticano | Rome, Italy | |
Archivu hlavního mešta Prahy | Prague 4, Czech Republic | |
Archiwa panstwowe w Poznaniu | Poznań, Poland | |
Arhiv Republike Slovenije (Archive of the Republic of Slovenia) | Ljubljana, Slovenia | |
Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv | 80539 München, Germany | |
Bibliotèque nationale de France | Paris Cedex 13, France | |
Biblioteca Communale Joppi (Udino) | Udino, Italy | |
Biblioteca Communale Treviso | Treviso, Italy | |
Biblioteca Comunale di Messina “Tommaso Cannizzaro” | Messina, Italy | |
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Venezia | Venice, Italy | |
Bibliothéque de Limoges en Haute-Vienne | Limoges, France | |
Bibliothèque de Genève | Geneva 4, Switzerland | |
Bibliothèque Mairie (Saint Marcellin) | St Marcellin, France | |
Bibliothèque Municipale (Châlons-sur-Marne) | Châlons-sur-Marne, France | |
Bibliothèque municipale (Martigny) | Martigny, France | |
Bibliothèque municipale d’Amiens | Amiens, France | |
Bibliothèque municipale de Bayonne | Bayonne, France | |
Bibliothèque municipale de Foix | Foix, France | |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Grenoble | Grenoble, France | |
Bibliothèque municipale de Narbonne | Narbonne, France | |
Bibliothèque nationale | Luxemburg, Luxemburg | |
Bibliothèque publique des Perraires | Collombey, Switzerland | |
Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit | Utrecht, Netherlands | |
Castle of the Dukes of Savoy (?) | Chambéry, France | |
Chillon Castle Archives | Montreux, Switzerland | |
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (Leipzig) | Leipzig, Germany | |
Finanz- und Hofkammerarchiv (Vienna) | Vienna, Austria | |
Folger Shakespeare Library | Washington, D. C., United States. | |
Gard: Archives Départementales | Nîmes, France | |
Gemeentearchief Rotterdam | Rotterdam, Netherlands | |
Germanisches Nationalmuseum | Nürnberg, Germany | |
Girgenti Provincial Archive | Girgenti, Sicily, Italy | |
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek | Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek | Hannover, Germany | |
Hagley Museum and Library | Wilington, Delaware, United States | |
Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv (Vienna) | Vienna, Austria | |
Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv | Wiesbaden, Germany | |
Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt | Darmstadt, Germany | |
Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg | Marburg, Germany | |
Het Utrechts Archief | Utrecht, Netherlands | |
Historical Society of Delaware | Wilmington, Delaware, United States | |
Historiches Archiv der Stadt Köln | Köln, Germany | |
Kärntner Landesarchiv | Klagenfurt, Austria | |
Kantonsbibliothek St.Gallen | 9000 St.Gallen, Switzerland | |
Kilcrease | , | |
La Bibliothèque Hendrik Conscience, Anvers | Antwerpen, Belgium | |
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg | Stuttgart, Germany | |
Landesarchiv NRW Hauptstaatsarchiv Düsseldorf | Düsseldorf, Germany | |
Landesarchiv NRW Staatsarchiv Münster | Münster, Germany | |
Landeshauptarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt | Magdeburg, Germany | |
Le Musée de la Grande-Chartreuse | Voiron, France | |
Les Archives cantonales vaudoises | Chavannes-près-Renens, Switzerland | |
Les Archives de l’Etat de Neuchâtel | Neuchâtel, Switzerland | |
Les archives municipales (Annecy) | Annecy, France | |
Library of Congress | Washington, D. C., United States | |
Luxemburg City Archive | Luxemburg, Luxemburg | |
Magyar Nemzeti Müzeum (Hungarian National Museum) | Budapest, Hungary | |
Moravský zemský archiv v Brně (Moravian Land Archive, Brno) | Brno, Czechoslovakia | |
Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen | Schaffhausen, Switzerland | |
Nationaal Archief (The Hague) | The Hague, Netherlands | |
Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv-Staatsarchiv Osnabrück | Osnabrück, Germany | |
Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv-Staatsarchiv Wolfenbüttel | Wolfenbüttel, Germany | |
Palazzo del Podestà | Bologna, Italy | |
Pera Museum (Pera Müzesi) | Istanbul, Turkey | |
Pinerolo: Archivio Storico | Pinerolo, Italy | |
Pistoia Hospital | Florence, Italy | |
Private Collection of M. Vidart | Divonne-les-Bains, France | |
Ratsarchiv der Stadt Görlitz | Görlitz, Germany | |
Regionaal Archief Leiden | Leiden, Netherlands | |
Rijksarchief Brugge | Brugge, Belgium | |
Rijksarchief in Limburg | Maëstricht, Netherlands | |
Rijksarchief te Hasselt | Hasselt, Belgium | |
Rockwood Museum | Wilimington, DL, United States | |
Sächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv | Dresden, Germany | |
Salzburger Landesarchiv | Salzburg, Austria | |
Státní okresní archiv Olomouc | Olmütz, Czech Republic | |
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky | Hamburg, Germany | |
Staatsarchiv Bamberg | Bamberg, Germany | |
Staatsarchiv Bremen | Bremen, Germany | |
Staatsarchiv Breslau | Wroclaw, Poland | |
Staatsarchiv des Kantons (Zürich) | Zürich, Switzerland | |
Staatsarchiv des Kantons Bern | Bern, Switzerland | |
Staatsarchiv des Kantons Nidwalden | Stans, Switzerland | |
Staatsarchiv des Kantons Wallis (Private Archive of M. de Torrentée) | Sion, Switzerland | |
Staatsarchiv des Kantons, Solothurn | Solothurn, Switzerland | |
Staatsarchiv Kanton Basel-Stadt | Basel, Switzerland | |
Staatsarchiv Luzern | Luzern 7, Switzerland | |
Staatsarchiv Nürnberg | Nüberg, Germany | |
Staatsarchiv Würzburg | Würzburg, Germany | |
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin | Berlin, Germany | |
Stadsarchief (Amsterdam) | Amsterdam, Netherlands | |
Stadsarchief Brugge | Bruges, Belgium | |
Stadt Kempten | Kempten (Algaü), Germany | |
Stadt Leipzig Stadtarchiv | Leipzig, Germany | |
Stadt- und Kantonsbibliothek | Zug, Switzerland | |
Stadtarchiv (Kostanz) | Konstanz, Germany | |
Stadtarchiv Augsburg | Augsburg, Germany | |
Stadtarchiv Frankfurt (Oder) | Frankfurt (Oder), Germany | |
Stadtarchiv Karlsruhe | Karlsruhe, Germany | |
Stadtarchiv Koblenz | Koblenz, Germany | |
Stadtarchiv Memmingen (Memmingen City Archive) | Memmingen, Germany | |
Stadtarchiv Nürnberg | Nürnberg, Germany | |
Stadtarchiv Regensburg | Regensburg, Germany | |
Stadtarchiv St.Gallen | St. Gallen, Switzerland | |
Stadtarchiv und Stadtbibliothek Trier | Trier, Germany | |
Styrian Provincial Archives | Graz, Austria | |
Thüringisches Landes-Haupt-Archiv | Weimar, Germany | |
The Newberry Library | Chicago, IL, United States | |
Tiroler Landesarchiv | Innsbruck, Austria | |
Universitätsbibliothek München | Munich, Germany | |
University of Delaware Library | Newark, Delaware, United States | |